Bags and Balers Manufacturers Ltd

Environmental Policy

Bags & Balers Manufacturers (K) Limited values its employees and is committed to providing safe work environment, so far as is reasonably practicable. Health and safety of employees, customers, visitors and the environment are primary consideration in Bags and Balers Manufacturers (K) Ltd.’s continuous measurable efforts to eliminate or reduce conditions and behavior that could result in injuries, illness or environmental degradation. Therefore: –

    • Each employee will be given such information, instructions and training as is necessary to enable the safe performance of work activities and continual learning from experience.
    • It is our duty to ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take account of Health and safety and are properly supervised at all times and employees encouraged reporting any situation he/she has a reason to believe would present a hazard and which he/she cannot correct.
    • Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees and their representatives to raise issues of health and safety.
    • Competent people will be appointed to assist in meeting our statutory duties and expectations of its stakeholders including, where appropriate, specialists from outside the organization.
    • Each employee must cooperate with us to enable all statutory duties to be complied with.
    • Each individual has a legal obligation to take reasonable care for his/ her own health and safety and for the safety of other people who may be affected by his or her acts or omission.

This Policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and if necessary revised in the light of legislative or organizational changes.